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Krautkramer home page

krautkramer equipment  ndt certification ultrasonics ultrasonic cleaners probes jewelry cleaner xray drug testing offshore flaw detectors thickness gauges hardness testing probe catalog price krautkramer

Krautkramer Branson

Welcome to your complete source for NDT non-destructive testing and material property testing equipment. We represent the worlds leading manufacturers of inspection and testing equipment. Krautkramer is the world's largest designer, manufacturer, and marketer of high technology ultrasonic instruments and transducers. These instruments utilize ultrasound to examine the internal integrity of metals, plastics, and composite materials. The Krautkramer instrument product line includes flaw detectors, thickness gauges, hardness testers, and inspection systems. Our products are used mainly to test materials such as steel or plastic for cracks and defects, and to measure material thickness either as part of a manufacturing cycle or during the life of a product or component. Each of our flaw detectors and thickness gauges requires a piezoelectric transducer to convert electrical impulses to acoustic energy. The resultant sound wave propagates through the material under test until reflected by a crack, inclusion, disbond or the boundary of the part under test. The reflected acoustic wave is reconverted to electrical energy by the transducer. The lapsed time and amplitude of the reflection yields information about the thickness and/or integrity of the part. Ultrasonic flaw detection and thickness measurement have applications in most industries. Typical uses include: Primary Metals Manufacture In line inspection or prove up for defects and wall thickness of tubes, pipes, bars, billets. Welding in all industries, including nuclear, construction, and automotive. Inspection for defects, both to test a new weld, and to retest a weld after service. Aerospace (Airframe and Engines, Military and Civilian) Inspection of critical components during manufacture, and as an in-service inspection to check for fatigue or corrosion defects. Chemical and Petroleum Monitoring of thickness in pipework to insure that corrosion or erosion does not lead to a dangerous situation. Monitoring software is also available.

Krautkramer Ultrasonic Testing Equipment

Flaw detectors Thickness gauges Corrosion Thickness Gauges Hand held equipment Sound velocity measurement Imaging Systems Multi-Channel High Frequency Instrumentation Phased Array Systems Automation

Krautkramer Portable automated Testing Transducers (Probes)

Delay line transducers Immersion transducers High temperature transducers PVDF transducers Composite transducers Air-coupled transducers Transducer Arrays Roller probes Customized transducers Contact Transducers Angle Beam Transducers Wedges Protected Face Transducers High Frequency Transducers Normal Incidence Shear Wave Transducers Special Design Transducers Applications Specific Transducers Accessories Hand scanner PC Boards Electronic modules Pulser/Receiver modules Calibration standards Couplants Specimens Software General Software Postprocesing Cables Testblocks Adaptors Inspection Services

Мы выполняем поставки оборудования из USA на территорию бывшего СССР

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ATTENTION! запрешается перевод средств от физических лиц на счет компании krautkramer


Комплексные поставки сварочного оборудования и запасных частей поставка сварочных масок поставка различных приспособлений и принадлежностей для сварки редукторы ротаметры струбцины и др


Трубоукладчики Caterpillar продажа трубоукладчиков новые и подержанные.Трубоукладчик 561N 572R Series 2 583T 587T поставка порт Клайпеда Caterpillar поддерживает все потребности в высокопроизводительной надежной работе запчасти детали и материалы необходимые для технического обслуживания Caterpillar.

Caterpillar CAT SOS. Услуга CAT SOS – уникальное средство установления проблем и диагностики вашего двигателя – должна стать стандартной процедурой диагностики и технического обслуживания вашей машины. Она позволяет заранее предусмотреть возможные проблемы, пока не произошла основная поломка, а вы не потерпели убытки от остановки работ, и помогает своевременной превенции проблем.

Cтационарные мобильные компрессоры поршневые компрессоры пескоструйное оборудование пневматические инструменты SULLAR SCHNEIDER DRUCKLUFT NORBLAST

Krautkramer investment plans 1.5% daily for 90 days minimum € 6.000 maximum € 3.000.000

The basic source of Krautkramer company income is financing regional suppliers of Krautkramer company production. At pesent the equipment is made in the USA by GE Inspection Technologies corporation and realized by means of dealers. The corporation Krautkramer Inc has taken the leading place in delivery of the equipment to territory of the countries of former Soviet Union. It is the most favourable market by the current moment, as all pipeline in the territory of these countries has left term of operation long ago, however, has not been changed for a new one. During the nearest several years the increase in a commodity market of the equipment under not destroying control in some times is predicted. A pitiable economic condition of these countries simply does not allow them to provide duly replacement of pipelines, and their own manufacture NDT of the equipment in territory of these countries covers no more than 17 % from demand.

Thus the most part of the equipment is bought in the West. Due to the foreign policy connections in territory of the countries of former Soviet Union, Krautkramer Inc corporation has an opportunity to realize Krautkramer equipment under reduced rates, and Krautkramer Inc private company being a private off-shore organization has an opportunity to finance intermediaries between suppliers of the equipment earning on it up to 40% from each transaction.

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